Friday 14 January 2011


Jesus didn't make them disciples then immediately sent them out to get on with it- saving souls or catching men...NO Jesus built them on God's word, He taught them daily (e.g Matthew 18). They were with Him most of the time if not 24/7, so they were able to see Him at work, able to gather experience. THEN Jesus sent them out in Matthew 10 v 5-8.

YOU CAN'T JUST EXPECT YOURSELF TO DO THE THINGS OF GOD IF YOU DON'T KNOW THEM, IF YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH THEM.. NO! SPEND TIME WITH YOUR MASTER, YOUR CREATOR; HE WILL FAMILIARIZE YOU ON YOUR WORK ON THIS EARTH. There is no need to be confused or to hate yourself when you do the wrong things or when you are too scared to do some things in God, GET TO KNOW YOUR GOD. Notice He said in the verse above "I will MAKE you" it is HIS job, (NOT YOURS) to LEAD you, just as it was JESUS'S job to lead the disciples of those days. Do you think those disciples would have been able to be and act like they did without Jesus's guidance? Do you think that they could have done and continued those great works started by Jesus IF Jesus hadn't guided them on earth before He left NO! NO! The Holy Spirit has taken Jesus's place now, therefore meditate on the word and He WILL be speaking to you, leading you... oh its a BEAUTIFUL thing I (personally) assure you...remember YOU CAN'T EXPECT TO DO EFFECTIVELY WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW EFFECTIVELY...when you KNOW, when YOU are familiar...MY GOODNESS(!), YOU would GO OUT TO DO God's work with CONFIDENCE, (no fear etc). Remember "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" (will post location in Bible later).

God bless TO YOU ALL- my BeaUtifUL brothers and sisters in Christ ALL OVER the WORLD, I love YOU ALL with the LOVE OF CHRIST "Grace to YOU and peace from GOD the Father and our LORD JESUS CHRIST" (Galatians 1 v 3)

Since this is also my first time writing this year GOD BLESS YOU, THIS is the YEAR OF OPEN DOORS for YOU and your FAMILY IN JESUS NAME- (take this, i don't write anything for nothing brothers and sisters) and of course HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

God bless YOU

Until next time...