Monday, 17 November 2008

Beginning of a NEW WEEK....

..needs the word of God alongside,to prepare us,withstand us...
VERSE OF THE WEEK: Jeremiah 51v15-16
this verse is mindblowing...utterly out of this world!!!
"when He utters His voice- there is a multitude of waters in the heavens:He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth;He makes lightning for the rain; He brings the wind out of His treasurers"
Can you see the lord in all His glory,POWER and MIGHT!! coz all THOSE things are happening JUST COZ HE SPOKE!!! this is who YOU are serving..THIS IS WHO WE SERVE,WHO WE PRAY TO...this OUR God who HIS mere gestures is a catalyst of ACTION, EXCITEMENT and ACTIVITY!!.I don't know bout u but this makes prayer a touch more excitin; worship a touch more special coz i am speaking to THIS magnificent, ALL-POWERFUL, GOD.. it makes my heart sing with joy..that i serve THIS God. Beginning of a new week; use this verse to make you secured,to strenthen you, to get u ready for a new week KNOWING this powerful God is who you serve and HE'S with YOU and infact His in YOU..SO U'RE READY FOR ANYTHING!!

Tuesday, 11 November 2008


i saw lots of my mum's old pictres few days ago,i could see ow proud she i thought of my day i would be looking at MY old pictures and thinking back to my youth days..and i realised at that second that i WANTED to smile too with pride when i see the joy of God in my see HIS PROGRESSION IN MY LIFE and HIS USING OF ME TO GLORIFY HIS NAME... This has made me more determined to make evry minuite, second of my life count,to be meaninful and worth it 4 my God..the life is like a cloud that appears for a seccond and poofs out again with no hesitation, my mum said all those years seemed like yesterday..that life runs, it doesn't wait for anybody.Its up to us to make most of that life to fufill what we were sent into this world to do.Seeing mum's pictures also made me decide to ave my own picture diary to capture every aspect of my life especially the ASPECT OF WORKING FOR MY GOD-wher my joy begins an where it ends-u could also adopt this idea..God bless

Sunday, 22 June 2008

1 Samuel 16-18v23..power of God behind David

My brother and i treated the defeat of goliat by David a few days ago...and what can i say the story taught us alot and so i thought i would like to share it with you today.Imagine the size of goliat against david and still david failed to take account of the physical aspect of this, to david this goliat that the whole of isreal was running from was a timid insultive individual.David was insulted..the nerve some had...WHY?? because he knew who he was serving, He knew God was behind isreal therfore HOW DARE AN UNCIRCUMCISED (nothing agaist people like this,at that time it was a sign that God wasn't with you)PHILISTINE COME AROUND AND START TREATING THE GOD OF ISREAL LIKE one was prepared to vocal this out but david was, he knew who he was serving and knew someone had to stand up to show this overgrowm fool who he was against..HE KNEW and he wasn't to be discouraged by the size of that thing because to david goliat was not more than a speck before the army of God..if david hadn't decided to stand up goliat would have won..WHY? the army that are already running because of the sight of this big giant would not be able to claim what is rightly theres and God needs peole today HE WANTS TO USE YOU..allow him to..don't be scared of any contradiction or an imposible obstacle you are going though..know who you are serving and put that obstacle in its place as david did to goliat...go and meditate on it coz its just so powerful..OH GLORY TO GOD..know that nothing is to big for your God to do...imagine how imposible goliat looked, no wonder the isrealites ran..the flesh ran..but david saw goliat for who he really was...i mean if the lord is with you ..WHO DARES TO COME AGAINST YOU AND WIN..NO ONE!! and david knew that ..we must KNOW that too..not learn to know,but KNOW!! LIKE KNOWING YOU ARE do we do this? meditating (focussing)on the word so that it can put it into your consciousness so that you KNOW before you even won't have to keep reminding yoursef..e.g imust top doing this/ would just fgind yourself unconscously fighting not to do that thing....
If you have any questions you can reply to me..we can discuss about this and any other issues you might want to talk about.
Stay blessed!!

Sunday, 1 June 2008


i just heard about this verse in the Bible"..those who KNOW God exploit.."POWERFUL!!!I'M COMING BACK TO EXPAND..Stay blessed..

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Proverbs 1 v 8-9....obedience to parents

If you read the scripture above,you'd realise its about obedience to Parents "here the instruction of your father..and don't forsake the law of your mother"
I am a teenager, we all grow up and all want to do what WE want, feel abit of freedom..going out..partying..having boyfriends...and so on...
In all we do we must remember to be careful, listen and be obedience to our parents for example we are told not to go out/comeback before 10am but instead we slip out the back/slip in through the back because you just couldn't miss that rave/party or you have to show your friends that you can do anything.
just like the scripture, let us listen to our parents because no matter what, they have being there before us and probably know more no matter how old they are...they are there to lead and direct us they know best and if they are moaning on our behavouir its because they are worried they love us and want the best for us, always know that..because if we do listen to them it would pay off in life not only because what goes around comes around but because the teachings they give you would be able to assist you in how you turn out in life "for they would be graceful ornament on your head and chains about your head"they would be your morals in life, lead you from right and wrong.
We all know parents make mistaskes and are wrong in some cases and misunderstandings does occur but that is where understanding and patience comes in..always know they are your parents and they are not perfect..try to communicate with them regularly and talk to them on how you feel..