jEREMIAH 7V22-23____ 22) 'for I did not speak to your fathers or command them in the day i brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices.___ 23)'bUT this is what I commanded them saying "obey my voice and i will be your God and you shall be my people" In other words, this year God is not asking you to sacrifice lambs, wear some weird outfit to honour Him...all he wants you to do is TO OBEY HIS VOICE, to follow Him 'I am the light of the world those who follow me shall not walk in darkness' you can't go wrong when you follow Him, anything you do will be marked with success from the word GO! Question is do we have the ability to obey HIM, Do we perceive Him as that God He is, our Creator....such knowledge can oNLY be gotten from the meditation of the word of God. For quite a while I treated Him like the confirmer, basically I went out there, doing everything then saying 'Lord am about to do this do it with me' when He should have being the leader telling ME what do. It wasn't that I wanted to put Him in that position it was about me not being confident in our communication...I wasn't sure on how He PLans on talking to me/communicating wit me, I saw it as slow an just thought 'he'll be wit me init'..BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOWThing is the word MAKES YOU KNOW along with other things such as drawing U to God; when you meditate on it, it brings God home to you, makes you awAre of Him in a higher sense. You begin to see things clearly, you see HIM, you begin to be confident of Him leading you because YOU KNOW YOU WOULD HEAR...ure now sensitive to His directions because U know Him. Heres a passage in the word I have 2 share wit you; it said 'you are a weapon of war...With you I shall break nations into pieces with you I shall destroy Kingdoms' In other words He WANTS to lead you, U are on this very earth to be led by God to get the best out of everything. So with HIM LEADING YOU, YOU CAN’T MAKE A WRONG just can't do anything wrong.This is why when the Israelites still were not OBEYING Him 'and were following the dictates of their evil hearts' they 'WENT BACKWARDS AND NOT FORWARDS' ..see its essential to be able to follow God because our hearts on its own can be manipulated by the outside world easily where as God is the CREATOR,THE BEGINNING AND THE LAST, HE KNOWS WHAT HAS BEING AND WHATS TO COME...with Him leading you, me, this nation; we can't go wrong!!Take this thought with you throughout this week (you can even meditate on the passage itself) but know that the closer to God U r the easier your life (all U r doing by following Him is making life easier for yourself because not all doors of opportunity are as they seem) and the easier it is to give your life to HIM...and how do you know Him???? THROUGH HIS WONDERFUL WORD!
PRAYER OF THE WEEK : Lord I have realised the importance of obeying You; as this is the beginning of a new year, Lord BE MY LEADER, TAKE THAT POSITION BECAUSE I DON’T WANT TO STAY IN THE SAME WAY…I MOVE FORWARD IN YOU AND THIS LIFE IN JESUS NAME. See I’ve come to realise ure the CREATOR (while I am the created), THE BEGINNING AND THE LAST, HE WHO KNOWS WHAT HAS BEING AND WHATS TO COME…you alone know the best so LEAD ME THIS YEAR. Part of being ABLE to obey You is being sensitive to your directions which can only be formed inside me by your word, so lord GIVE ME THE GRACE THIS YEAR TO WANT TO READ YOUR WORD, TO WANT TO KNOW WHO I AM SERVING. Amen in JESUS NAME
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