Saturday, 25 September 2010

YOUR TREASURES-look around and see!

Brothers and sisters today I greatly urge you to believe and walk with every word that comes from your ministers mouth or those holding similar positions in your church in fact anyone standing before you in the church pulpit that is representing God in anyway-either just a member of the church that’s preaching on weekdays or anyone that is speaking about God…..take hold of their word, take it, its treasure a lot take it for granted, catch every of their declarations directed to the church (you KNOW they are for you). Even something as seemingly little (to some) as ‘God bless you’, or the declaration of your church for the year e.g. this is the year of great manifestations; I am telling you now, TAKE IT, its coming from someone God has ordained ..YOU have to believe in the anointing before it can work for you.

Take for instance what happened when Jesus came to the land of Genesaret; the people SAW Him as He was- treasure (Matthew 14 v 34- 36) and so they treated Him as one; they quickly grasped what was in their reach because they knew His importance and the Bible clearly states that “…as many as touched it (the hem of His garment) were made perfectly well”. The opposite happened when Jesus came to His own town where He was born (Mark 6 v1-6); they failed to see Him as He was, they were blinded by their own beliefs; they failed to see Him as their deliverer, savior, the ultimate treasure; the Bible clearly states the result “Now He could do no mighty work there…” they missed their testimonies because they refused to see what was right there before them. They’d heard the same thing as those in Genesaret had heard, even saw but they just didn’t think He was good enough, they knew better. The truth was they’d failed to see and it COST them even though they were so hard hearted to see it.

Make a decision today to see- or at least if it’s too hard to do (like those in Jesus’ hometown) give it to God constantly in prayer and MEDITATE on the word (those hearts were hardened because God wasn’t in them so evil dominated in them) because though it’s costing you a lot like those in Jesus’ town, you will not know it. Now look around you… there’s always a treasure, it might be hard to see at first after long periods of not acknowledging it but it’s there. It could be your church-perhaps you don’t attend as often as you should, or you get there late, It could be as I said earlier the words that come out of those representing God on the pulpit, your Bible, Christian friends, God related books that are at your disposal to read but you don’t read them; remember there are some who don’t have access just a mere mention of the name of Jesus will get them into Jail.

What are all those treasures you have been taking for granted? What you don’t value you’ll misuse, abuse and in some cases lose. LOOK AROUND WITH ME NOW AND BEGIN TO SEE THESE TREASURES, record it all down if that’s a way for you to remember and to keep tab of it is David believed so much in the anointing and it worked for him, you have to believe in this treasure for it to work for you. God bless you all in the name of Jesus!!!

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